A sad day, indeed, …

A sad day, indeed, ...

Today we have lost a true gem of a human being, a loss that would be felt not just in the scientific community but something much more profound. It is with great sorrow and a heavy heart that I announce the untimely passing of Dr. Firouz Naderi [1984-2023], an Iranian-American scientist [born in Shiraz, Iran, my hometown], after suffering from an extensive neck injury that immobilized him for what turned out to be the rest of his life. His remarkable career, ranging from NASA's Mars program manager to being named the Director for Solar System Exploration, was something that many admired about him. But, what outshines this enviable professional life, was his dedication to doing what was right, regardless of the consequences. For years, he was not able to visit back home, yet, he openly stood with his people at a time when the world forgot to care. Though he would be missed, he shall not be forgotten. My thoughts go to his family and his many admirers, such as myself, who looked up to him whenever we felt lost.

Ph.D. Student

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